Costs and refunds

Make the most of the resources below to minimize the financial burden of your trip.

What costs to expect

Things to think about
Depending on your means of transportation to your place of treatment, you may have travel costs (taxi, car, bus, train, boat or airplane).
If you are not admitted to a hospital, and you have to stay overnight, you may have costs for accommodation and meals.
If you bring a support person with you, they may have costs for accommodation and meals.

Financial assistance from the government

There is a Regional Financial Assistance Program that helps cover some of these costs. The conditions vary somewhat from one area to another.

Financial assistance from other sources

Financial assistance by region

Gaspé Coast

North Shore

Lower North Shore

Taking time off work

Things to think about
Find out what your benefits are, what you are entitled to.
What about employment insurance?
If you have to take time off work, you may be entitled to benefits.
Make sure to check your insurance benefits with your employer.
Service Canada can help you to find out if you are entitled to benefits.
Caregivers may also be entitled to benefits. Visit this website for more info.
Next step


Save and print documentation to bring with you.
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